Selasa, 25 Juni 2013

Tugas Softskill - Artikel Bahaya Merokok Bagi Kesehatan Manusia (Tanggapan dalam Bahasa Inggris)

Ya, bagi sebagian orang, merokok adalah kepuasan, tapi ada juga yang bilang merokok saja sudah terasa kenyang di saat perut mulai lapar. Dan ada pula yang bilang jika tidak merokok semangat kerja hilang. Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat, yang menjadi kebutuhan dasar derajat kesehatan masyarakat, salah satu aspeknya adalah “tidak ada anggota keluarga yang merokok“. Sedangkan PHBS harus menjadi kewajiban saya dan para kader kesehatan untuk mensosialisasikannya.
Setiap kali menghirup asap rokok, entah sengaja atau tidak, berarti juga mengisap lebih dari 4.000 macam racun! Karena itulah, merokok sama dengan memasukkan racun-racun tadi ke dalam rongga mulut dan tentunya paru-paru. Merokok mengganggu kesehatan, kenyataan ini tidak dapat kita pungkiri. Banyak penyakit telah terbukti menjadi akibat buruk merokok, baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung. Kebiasaan merokok bukan saja merugikan si perokok, tetapi juga bagi orang di sekitarnya.
Saat ini jumlah perokok, terutama perokok remaja terus bertambah, khususnya di negara-negara berkembang. Keadaan ini merupakan tantangan berat bagi upaya peningkatan derajat kesehatan masyarakat. Bahkan organisasi kesehatan sedunia (WHO) telah memberikan peringatan bahwa dalam dekade 2020-2030 tembakau akan membunuh 10 juta orang per tahun, 70% di antaranya terjadi di negara-negara berkembang termasuk Indonesia.
Melalui resolusi tahun 1983, Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia (WHO) telah menetapkan tanggal 31 Mei sebagai Hari Bebas Tembakau Sedunia setiap tahun.
Bahaya merokok terhadap kesehatan tubuh telah diteliti dan dibuktikan oleh banyak orang. Efek-efek yang merugikan akibat merokok pun sudah diketahui dengan jelas. Banyak penelitian membuktikan bahwa kebiasaan merokok meningkatkan risiko timbulnya berbagai penyakit. Seperti penyakit jantung dan gangguan pembuluh darah, kanker paru-paru, kanker rongga mulut, kanker laring, kanker osefagus, bronkhitis, tekanan darah tinggi, impotensi, serta gangguan kehamilan dan cacat pada janin.
Penelitian terbaru juga menunjukkan adanya bahaya dari secondhand-smoke, yaitu asap rokok yang terhirup oleh orang-orang bukan perokok karena berada di sekitar perokok, atau biasa disebut juga dengan perokok pasif.

Sumber Artikel : 

My Response :

Dangers of Smoking for Health has been known to almost everyone. But the number of smokers in Indonesia is not showing signs of decline.

Consider the following facts:
1.      Indonesia ranks third after China and India, in case of death caused by smoking cigarettes. Based on a survey of Indonesian Association of Public Health in 2007, as many as 1,127 people die every day due to tobacco, 67 percent were male.
2.      every 6.5 seconds one (1) person dies because of tobacco (WHO)
3.      people who start smoking in their teens are likely to die faster 20 s / d 25 years, compared to non-smokers
4.      dangers of smoking not only to lung cancer or heart disease, but also on the health and mortality
5.      The side effects: from head to toes

Government Warning: Smoking can Adverse Health.
So often we read on every pack of cigarettes all brands. Although tobacco companies give huge tax to the government, efforts to urge the public has been made by the government. Some of them are banning cigarette advertisements in the mass media, the establishment of a ban on smoking in many areas until the final regulations are MUI fatwa Islam that smoking is haram.

The community already know that smoking can harm the health, especially for people who smoke cigarettes every day, in every pack of cigarettes because there is writing about the dangers of smoking, like this. SMOKING CAN CAUSE CANCER, HEART ATTACK, AND DISORDERS impotence PREGNANCY AND FETUS. But still cigarette billowing everywhere. Government warnings not considered

Here are some erroneous assumptions about Smoking
1.      Smoking is a myth because it makes a cool and modern, smoking makes feel manly, sexy cigarette making, could, slimming the body, behind the times if you do not smoke. Can set when to stop.
2.      Smoking-gayan just for style and trendy. Usually they are the new smokers
3.      Smoking is a tool of socialization and friendship. Otherwise disloyal smoking bandwagon
4.      With smoking make feel more confident and more sociable
5.      Smoking gives the sensation of its own
6.      Smoking to relieve boredom, loneliness and frustration
7.      Smoking is a necessity

Ingredients In Cigarette

Burning cigarette is a chemical substance hazardous to health. Cigarettes contain chemicals ± 4000 with two thousand of them have been declared detrimental to our health. There are three (3) major hazardous chemicals: Gas CO (carbon monoxide), Tar and Nicotine and cigarette smoke.

Other hazardous materials such as radioactive material (polonium-201) and the materials used in the paint (acetone), washing the floor (ammonia), ubat silverfish (naphthalene), insecticide (DDT), termite poison ( arsenic), toxic gases (hydrogen cyanide) used in the "death chamber" for pesalah who undergo the death penalty, and many more.

CO gas has an affinity / binds strongly to hemoglobin (red blood substances) that will cause a reduction in the binding of oxygen by hemoglobin and interfere with breathing and blood vessels. CO poisoning causes death. Tar contains approximately forty three ingredients that cause lung cancer or called carcinogens. Tar is stimulating and airway irritation. Nicotine has a substance in cigarettes that can lead to addiction, which causes the user's hard to quit cigarette smoking. Nicotine is the substance in cigarettes that cause the risk of heart disease, 25 percent of people with heart disease caused by smoking activities.

Below are the dangers of secondhand smoke for nonsmokers.
1. Increase the risk of lung cancer and heart disease
2. Respiratory problems including pneumonia and bronchitis
3. Sore or painful eyes
4. Sneezing and coughing
5. Sore throat
6. Headache

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